Home remedy for parasites in the human body

Folk remedies against parasites

Exemption from parasites should be given special attention. Folk remedies for parasites in the human body for effective elimination of unpleasant symptoms, the restoration of disturbed functioning of the internal organs. All the therapeutic measures carried out at home, preliminary your actions with your doctor. As for the treatment of adults and children from harmful worms? What can I do to prevent their appearance?

General Information

In the human body para of one or several types of worms can survive. The ingestion of the human body worms active life developed, wherein the body has all the nutrients for the maintenance of its normal work. Apart from that, the parasite secretes toxins, which are destructive to the tissues and the mucous membranes of the vital organs.

There are a variety of harmful organisms, which are capable to amaze the human organism. They all differ in size and structure. Your ability to be localized in narrow areas of the human body is simply amazing. You can find them everywhere: in the head, the legs, the abdomen, in the genitals. Most often the intestine, hence the name-intestinal parasites are helminths amazingly thin and thick.

The most common parasites in the human body:

  • Flatworms — Fluke, shistosoma, pulmonary, (hepatic), Fluke, etc.
  • Roundworms — Trichinella, hookworm, Ascaris, pinworm, whipworm.
  • Protozoa — Giardia, chlamydia.
  • Fungi (Mycoses).
  • Bacteria — streptococci, micrococci, staphylococci.

Each pest in penetrating the human body provokes the emergence of a disease. For Example:

  • Bilharzia, cause schistosomiasis;
  • enterobiasis — pinworms;
  • opisthorchiasis — hepatic Fluke, etc.

Symptoms of the presence of the parasite

Problems with the intestines

In the case of the defeat of the human organism, one or more types of parasites the following symptoms:

  • Disorders of stool (diarrhea or constipation). The cause of the difficult feces associated with the overlap of the lumen of the intestine accumulation of parasites. Diarrhea provoked by substances, allocated-ranking helminths in the course of your life.
  • Pain in the limbs, knee and muscle pain. It occurs discomfort due to the localization of pests in the muscles and synovial fluid.
  • Allergic rashes on the skin, Dermatitis. To remove morbid manifestations is not even medication.
  • Problems with the appetite. The man can't get enough, or, conversely, refuses to eat, in this case, fluctuations of the body occur weight.
  • Flatulence, and bloating.
  • Tumors of a malignant character. Very often, cancer patients have a strong infestation of parasites. Cells of the organs under the negative influence of toxins, the-ranking helminths, Reborn in cancer. Such a Problem of diagnostic research is recognized after the implementation.

Traditional methods of treatment of parasites in the human body

Cleansing the body from parasites folk medicine begins with the preparation. The preparation involves the adherence to the therapeutic diet and drinking. It is known that parasites love sweet and greasy, but the fear of sharp and acidic foods. The characteristic smell and the sharpness of the taste to hinder the development of the vital activity of the worms, as an antiseptic. It is therefore recommended, in the menu, more food, and products with a sharp (bitter) taste. The Infusion of the medicinal plants of wormsThe list of sharp products:

  • Pepper;
  • Spices (Cinnamon, Cloves, Ginger);
  • Onions and garlic;
  • Sea radish and bright.

In compliance with the drinking cure should liquids, in which the effective vermifuge properties, is the issue of toxic substances and worms from the body. are preferred You drink more tea, cook decoctions of medicinal plants. In addition, you should fruit in the menu and berry juices, milk drinks. Acidic environment creates unfavorable conditions for parasite, you can clean the body of harmful products of their life activity.

Recipes against parasites

Anti-parasitic agents, the traditional healer and the whole traditional medicine is a godsend for people who deny treatment of drugs for pregnant and lactating women, for young and older children. All the folk remedies against parasites good in their own way, you can stop the choice of the most suitable and comfortable. Traditional methods have the advantage in the low cost, enable clean-up and healing of hearts.

The fruits of coriander

Coriander leaves — a medicinal plant, useful raw materials are the fruits and the essential oil are. Powder of the fruit of the coriander helps to bring out the parasites from the body and the toxins present. It is easy to with the itching and allergic manifestations on the skin. Get rid of parasites in the human body, folk medicine can be used with the help of anthelmintic agent for cleaning.

Preparation and application:

  • Take 50 G of the fruit.
  • To implement it on a hot pan.
  • Cook for 5-6 minutes.
  • Powdered.
  • Take ¼ teaspoon 2 times per day.
  • The therapeutic course is 10 days.
Water Melon Seeds

Water Melon Seeds

The liberation of the parasites in the body of folk medicine with the help of seeds of melon culture. Method for the preparation of anthelmintic agents:

  • Water melon seeds shatter with the help of coffee grinders.
  • To connect with milk (1:10).
  • You drink 200 ml a day on an empty stomach.

Lime, or Aspen-ash

The medium is used for the cleaning of the liver and biliary tract, for the rearing of the parasites: hepatic shovel, Giardia, Toxocara, Fluke. For the beginning of a Lipu (Espe) and cut a couple of branches. To bring the branches home and burn it to ashes. For therapeutic agents 7 tablespoons are in need of ash. The Schema of the intake:

  • In 1, 2, 3 day drink 1 TSP. twice a day with ½ Cup of milk or yogurt.
  • 4 to 7 day drink 1 h. L. ash, 1 time per day.
  • Be treated in this way, they must be removed within 7 days.

Ginger root

Ginger is the best remedy against vermin and extremely useful product has a bactericidal, choleretic, anti-oxidant effect. Wort allows you to delete and throw out protozoa in the larval stage. And also spend the body of toxins and waste products. For pest control marinated using fresh and dried ginger, powder, and alcohol tincture.

Method Number 1:

  • You take the dried root.
  • Chop up to the powdery state.
  • Drink 1 h. L. 3 times per day, squeezed yogurt drink.
  • The course of treatment — 7 days.

Method Number 2:

  • Take 0.5 kg of fresh ginger, 0,5 L of vodka (alcohol).
  • The root RUB on a fine grater.
  • Fold the resulting mixture into a glass.
  • Pour the vodka.
  • On it 2 weeks.
  • Drink 1 tablespoon 4 times a day before meals.
  • The liberation of helminths will take about 10 days.
Anthelmintic pumpkin seed and honey

Pumpkin seeds with honey

With the help of pumpkin seeds, you can tape worms, and cleaned of other worms destroy. Effective removal of parasites, allowing to cope with their larvae and the adults, with a cure. For its preparation will need: take 100 grams of the seeds, 2 tbsp. L. Honey. The ingredients and food mix, the Dry for two visits to the cinema. After 2 hours, a laxative drink. Adults and larvae of the parasites go the next day together with the feces.

"The Russian three"

Effective "Russian group" is used to cleanse the body of tapeworms, their eggs and other parasitic forms. Herbs have a dampening effect on worms, by I you from the body. Components in the composition of the "Threesome": tansy (2 TSP), wormwood and cloves (1 TSP). Ingredients ground to a powder and mix. The possibilities of the internal revenue:

  • 1. Day — 1 TSP on an empty stomach;
  • 2. Day — 1 TSP 2 times daily before meals;
  • From 3. to 7. Day — 1 TSP three times per day.

What do you use for the therapy of the child?

Most common in children pinworms detection of parasites. To cure Enterobiasis easy to recognize if you are in a timely manner. Therapy of children, from the a that you eliminate the adult parasites from the intestine. The treatment of parasites in folk medicine, in contrast to drugs, the children harmless. It is non-toxic, soft and gentle for the developing organism. Drugs have many contraindications and side effects. Prior to the use of a national method, a consultation with the doctor-children's doctor about the correct implementation of the cleaning of the body and for the control of parasitic worms should.

Natural oils of helminths

Natural oils

If the child is asleep, female pinworms crawl out and lay their eggs. Physicians for the prevention of the recontamination of the skin grease recommend around the Anus hemp, pumpkin and sea buckthorn oil. And it is also recommended that the oil in the food, drop 3-4 drops into the food, into the water or tea. Herbal remedies help get rid of worms, cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system.

Pumpkin seeds

The product has always been known for its beneficial properties. Content in the seeds of the rare amino acid cucurbitina, offers a good anthelmintic action, the fight with the parasites in the human body. Many parents wonder how to determine how many seeds you give to your child. Children up to the age of seven — 150 G, up to 10 years — 200 G, children at the age of — 300 grams of pumpkin seeds daily, they can relieve the child of pinworms. Children up to 3 years of grinding seeds with water or honey (if no allergies).

The plant tansy

Good anthelmintic properties, parasites of the people fighting. The plant contains toxic substances that poison the worms, so for the treatment of children applying, you should install it with caution. The importance of attention to the precise dosage of the plants in the kitchen drinking broth. Internal receiving sedative is carried out taking into account the body weight of the child.

A solution of Soda

Sodium bicarbonate

Alkaline environment, the Soda in the intestinal tract, unfavourable to the life of the parasite. Children cleanning lemonade enema Outputting intestinal Form of the worms. The liquid consists of a ½ TSP of sodium bicarbonate, 250 ml of warm boiled water. Klishirovannyh, preferably before bedtime, after the procedure, 10 minutes to go and empty the bowel. Cleaning of the organism from the parasites is carried out daily for 7 days.

Garlic and onions

Cleaning of the organism from the parasites at home with the help of garlic and milk. Anti-parasitic agent is suitable for indoor reception, and for klishirovannyh. If garlic is not at Hand, fit in with the onion. A process for the preparation of curative drugs against parasites:

  • 2-3 Garlic Crushed Lobules.
  • Pour a glass of warm milk.
  • The medium drink at once.
  • The course of treatment is 5 days.


Infection does not prevent-ranking helminths always possible. But if you halved the preventive recommendation, the risk of parasites. The most important rules:

  • Wash hands thoroughly before eating, after street, after using the toilet.
  • Do not touch the stray animals on the road.
  • If a Person a pet, hold him, anthelmintic prophylaxis every 3 months owner every 6 months.
  • Every morning, wet cleaning of the apartment, ventilate the room.
  • Wash under running water, fresh fruit, the berries before eating.
  • The machining of meat and fish, a careful heat treatment.
  • Not unboiled tap water to drink.
  • Avoid swimming in dirty waters.

Preventive measures also warn that the occurrence of suspicious symptoms in yourself or a family member should promptly consult a doctor and get a diagnosis to take place. In time, the disease revealed to heal much easier, as his running Form. In the case when the drug therapy is declined, the treatment the people's medicine proves to be most useful in the fight against various parasites.